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2 Hours Workshops
Home -Training & Seminar - Certification Courses

Mind Mapping
Achievable Goals & Effective Time Management
The Power of Personal Values
Transforming Stress Into Strength
The New Secrets of Brain Power
Living Skills for Graduates in 21st Century
Dynamic Learning Wtih NLP
Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Successful Selling With NLP
Music Therapy
The Magic of Metaphor

Mind Mapping

Map Mapping is one the simplest, yet most powerful tool a person can have in their creativity toolbox. Designed to use the whole brain, it allows you to capture the natural flow of your ideas, improve the effectiveness, efficiency and creativity of your thinking, learning and communication. Mind Mapping makes it easier to access the tremendous potential of your brain. It was developed by Tony Buzan, who based it on the research of how our brains actually work.

Mind Mapping is a powerful technique used by millions - discover its power today.
- Improve your memory
- Organize and Present information clearly . Learn and Plan effectively
- Increase creativity
- Make thinking, learning and working fun

Achievable Goals & Effective Time Management
Successful people set and pursue meaningful goals & work towards their achievement. knowing where you are going, how you plan & get there, you will be able to focus your time, ene and emotion & start on the right track toward reading those goals.

Also time management skills are essential for successful people, which can help then reach the pinnacles of their careers.

Key Learning Outcome
- To be able to recognize internal and external time wasters
- To be able to identify and focus on activities with greatest returns
- To effectively control and reduce interruptions
- To get greater pleasure and satisfaction everyday

The Power of Personal Values

A value is a belief, a mission or a philosophy that is really meaningful to a person. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a number of personal values, such as, the belief in hard work, self-reliance and punctuality.

When values are implemented or are newly developed, then outer circumstances can ("llange tan times faster (and better) than merely trying to change things on the surface.

Personal values for an individual is a reflection of the highest principle of mind and thought and even be said to be part of the spiritual domain. Values release tremendous potential for success, accomplishment and happiness.

Key Learning Outcome
- Help you to distinguish what is right from what is wrong
- Conduct your life in a meaningful way
- Understand values and their importance in choosing a career


Successful people are leaders. They are not only personal achievers, but inspire others to be achievers. They do not only enjoy the fruits of their success, but also strive to help others to become successful.

The history of the world tells stories of great leaders like Napoleon, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa and many others. What did all these people have in common that made them leaders? Were they born leaders or did they acquire the skill ofleadership?

Good leaders train themelves to lead by emulating men and women have been successful leaders.

Key Learning Outcome

- Develop leadership skills
- Lead your team more effectively
- Identify and overcome impediments to leadership
- Set direction for your team


Ideas! What is creativity? Why do some people seem to have so much of it? What's their secret? Can their methods be learned? YES. You can become more creative by learning the secrets of creative genius.

Key Learning Outcome
- Build self-confidence and self-esteem
- See problems as opportunities
- Know where to look for the "breakthrough idea."
-Become more productive

Transforming Stress Into Strength

Perhaps you are experience intense right now. Stress is the "wear and tear" our bodies experience as we adjust to our continually changing environment; it has physical and emoti'mal effects on us and can create positive or negative feelings. As a positive influence, stress can help compel us to action; it can result in a new awareness and an exciting new perspective. As a negative influence, it can result in feelings of distrust, rejection, anger and depression, which in turn can lead to health problems.

Stress results from failure to adequately cope with stressors. Since most of the time we cannot change these stressors, it is essential to learn how to manage the way we respond to stress.

You can give yourself the gift of calmness and a new perspective. Identify the stressors in your life, your stress style, and your body's response to stress. Discover how to defuse stress before it affects health, relationship and job performance.

Key Learning Outcome
- Relax in a very short time
- Regain energy rapidly
- Increase your awareness of personal stress and develop 'emotional immunity'

The New Secrets of Brain Power

We are extraordinary creation. We are gifted with a tool called mind that can perform wonders. No scientific laboratory in the world is equivalent to be laboratory we have within ourselves. The capacity of human mind is unimaginable. It can enable us to acquire riches, better health and above all happiness. The human beings are constantly searching elsewhere for the very things they have at hand.

Now you can greatly increase your alertness, concentration, learning ability, memory and problem-solving skills. The key is to understand that your brain is like a muscle: Neglect it and its powers will wither and fade.

You will learn simple, effective techniques - most of which you can do anytime, anyplace - that will boost your brain power and age-proof your mental processes.

Key Learning Outcome
- Learn how to use your brain power to enhance your life and increase your understanding and
appreciate of your greatest asset.

Living Skills for Graduates in 21st Century

Graduates may have top qualifications but they lack important skills needed for the world of work, according to International Management Association.

They should learn the skills of communication, problem-solving and self­motivation as these would help them meet challenges in their working life. These skills were often ignored as graduates generally gave more attention to academic excellence.

We will discuss some of the personal & interactive attributes that would make them more marketable.

Key Learning Outcome
- Preparingfor a new job
- Common challenges faced by employees
- Living Skills

Dynamic Learning Wtih NLP

We live in a competitive, fast-changing world. Knowing how to learn quickly, yet thoroughly, is obviously a big advantage. Give yourself the means to make that success possible. Student have the ability to utilize the natural, full power of heart and the mind that makes learning fast, effective and lasting. Experts tell us that the greatest computer in the universe is right between our ears.

Now with Neuro Linguistics Programming (NLP) we have our first handbook for realizing the potential of our minds. It is the wisdom of30 years research into how the human wrks.

NLP IS widely used in improving the educational system. The problems of students/teachers/educators can be improved by applying the NLP concepts.

Key Learning Outcome
- Your Learning Style - to know how we learn Learn
- Unlearn & Relearn - change the way we learn
- Power of Suggestion - improve your ability to learn
- Visual Learning Strategy - enhance your memory

Introduction to Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Comm_nication, goal setting, and creativity are some of the most critical skills in a successful business. Improving your abilities in these areas will enable you 0 be more effective and gain more personal satisfaction from a job well done. Even small improvements in these areas can have a significant impact on your efficiency and effectiveness.

It is often said that we were born with the most amazing computer in the Universe- the Human Brain. The only problem is nobody gave us an instruction manual on how to work it.

Now Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) we have our first handbook for realizing the potential of our mind, developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, is the wisdom of research over the past 30 years into how the human minds woks.

NLP is a new branch of psychology. It is a simple yet powerful approach to personal and professional success. NLP can make a difference in you. Depending on the application, NLP can allow: a salesperson to significantly increase his business, can assist a student to increase his grade and many more. It is also valuable in enhancing human communication skills.

Key Learning Outcome
- Brief Introduction to NLP
- Speaking the "Customer's Language"
- Understanding Non- Verbal Communication
- Use language patterns that will influence others under any circumstances
- Q&A

Successful Selling With NLP

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is helping people all over the world to achieve what they want in life. It is _hanging the way managers and business people communicate and perform. NLP is based on the study of excellence and provides the most powerful tools available today for improving communication skills. A psychological technology that explains how people think, in terms of perception and how they process information.

Imagine yourself influencing people easily, elegantly and without conflict. All these things are possible if you choose to explore new way of thinking. A principle of Neuro­Linguistic Programming (NLP) is that we all have the resources we needed within us; we just need to understand how to access them!

You vill discover the hidden techniques that top sales professionals unconsciously use and also you can master these simple and profound techniques of NLP. Recharge your current sales skills and learn new NLP skills, which will make a difference in your level of success.

Key Learning Outcome
- Brief Introduction to NLP
- Understand your customer's buying strategies
- Sensory Acuity - unlocking the deeper secrets of body language
- Q&A


When fraud is discovered in any organization. The initial responses are "How could that have happened?" and "Why wasn't there any clue?"

Reports of fraud are on the rise. To combat this rising threat. new technologies are constantly being explored to improve security. But at what cost will these measures be implemented? Organizations can fight back. Antiwfraud measures. such as internal control. financial transparency. audit and investigations can help protect your organization.

We need to explore to fight fraud with new skills such as NeurowLinguistic Programming (NLP). It has developed over the past 25 years to become a leading source of sills in the professional world. NLP is a new branch of psychology. It is a simple yet powerful approach to personal and professional development. With these new skills you can assist your organization to minimize fraud risks.

Participants can understand and apply these new psychology skills of Ni..P to enhance fraud detection and investigation.

Key Learning Outcome
- Overview of Fraud Incidents
- Who Commits Fraud and Why?
- Fraud Indicators ("Red Flags ")
- Brief Introduction to NLP
- New Skills in Fraud Detection and Investigation

Music Therapy

Have you ever noticed how your favorite music can make you feel better?

Music is a gift to mankind-a deep, human experiences that touches very aspect of humanity. It provides an expression for the spirit and emotions, inspires physical movement and dance, nurtures personal relationships, an aids in the healing of the human body and mind. Also new research studies now show how music can make you smarter too!

Key Learning Outcome

- What is Music Therapy?
- The Mozart Effect
- The general use of music to improve health, memory, awareness and the integration of learning styles.
- Listening to Music (Relaxation Exercise)
- Q&A

Music is well said to be the speech of angels; in fact, nothing among the utterances allowed to man is felt to be so divine. It brings us near to the infinite-Thomas Carlyle

The Magic of Metaphor

Stories, including folk-lore, myths, fables and even created afresh, constitute a uniquely powerful currency in human relationships. Stories speak to both parts of the human mind – its reason and emotion. They symbolize the flight of human imagination and plant heroic and adventurous ideal in the minds.

Storytelling ia an ancient form of communication whose appeal and usefulness has been rediscovered in modern times.Storytelling is also an effective way to transmit the values and history of a business or institution. Stories provide a medium of communication, both internally within an organization and externally to customer, potential customer, business partner, business rivals, inventors, and others.

Metaphors can create an immediate bond with anyone and gets the message across with maximum impact and are extremely useful for cultivating the value of Right Action. Talk Outline
- How to use Metaphor?
- Technique of Story Telling
- How to use Story Telling to persuade?
- Hands-on Exercise
- Q&A

“A Good Story comes from the Heart not the Head”

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