What is NLP? |
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The Evolution of NLP
NLP evolved in the early seventies out of the work of two people for the purpose of making explicit models of human excellence:–
1. John Grinder, then an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz; and
2. Richard Bandler, a student of psychology at the same University.
They studied three top psychotherapists at that time in great depth:
Fritz Perls, the father of Gestalt Therapy;
Virginia Satir, one of America's top family therapists; and
Milton Erickson, a world-famous hypnotherapist. |
John and Richard identified a great many of the underlying patterns of behavior and communication that made these great therapists so effective in assisting people in changing their lives for the better. They used what they found to create a set of models of human skills and capabilities that, for better or worse, they called "Neuro-Linguistic Programming".
NLP has also been defined as the art and science of excellence, and as the study of subjective experience. But essentially and more importantly, NLP is about context, process and structure. In other words, it's not the content of what we do or say that matters; it is how we do what we do. And finally, it's how we model excellence and learn the lessons from what isn't working. |
What NLP can do? |
Neuro-Linguistic Programming was specifically created in order to allow us to do magic by creating new ways of understanding how verbal and non-verbal communication affect the human brain. As such it presents us all with the opportunity to not only communicate better with others, but also learn how to gain more control over what we considered to be automatic functions of our own neurology.
The skills and attitude known of NLP make it possible for us to have the things we want, in a fraction of the time! NLP is a set of behavioral tools that bridge the gap between language and behavior (like software for our mind!)-- allowing us to create the personal, love, and business life that we've always known we can have! |
The field of NLP has now gone quantum leap to study the patterns, behaviors and beliefs of successful business people and those with rewarding relationships - of folks that have lost weight easily and of incredibly persuasive people. What NLP has found is that people that succeed all use the same kind of techniques to communicate with themselves and others! They have the same "mental tool set" that we all have; they just use them in different ways.
NLP makes use of this communication with yourself to help you make change more easily, to get what you want.